28. + 29.10.2022
Book release by The Rapid Publisher
The Rapid Publisher means: A room full of people, drinks all night long, your brain meets the copy machine, creates publications with your hands! Every few seconds the photocopier spits out your graphic, your text and dripping sweat. Nico Bergmann and Torben Röse pick up, staple together, give your ideas a form. One shape, one zine, in five-minute intervals, the work of God or utter rubbish. Both are good!
The audience, activated by The Rapid Publisher, is able to step back behind their work and become anonymous artists while their creation becomes a “bastard”. Nico and Torben then take care of these bastards, photocopying them several times before finally archiving them. Every single artwork is too valuable to be forgotten in the dark. A cross-section of the archive is shown in the book that will be release Friday, 28th October 2022. However, not in black and white copies as typical for the zine, but rather color. In the zines, the artwork is continuously rearranged and duplicated. Furthermore, in addition to its function as a reproduction tool, the photocopier becomes a performative instrument and design tool.
ALL COPIES ARE BASTARDS dedicates an independent publication to the resulting copy creations and copy templates.
Opening doors:
Friday 28.10.2022: 19:00 – Midnight
Saturday 29.10.2022: 16:00 – 20:00
Gemeinde Köln
Ebertplatzpassage, Laden 7
50668 Köln
50668 Köln
Gefördert durch:
Kulturamt Stadt Köln